I have never struggled with corporal desire.
I have never and will never struggle with "just having to have that sexual release" and thus rendering my sexual energy ineffective.
I have never and will never use my sexual energy in the manner
and because of this spiritual absolute within me, I am able to manifest vast quantities from the intangible realms and make them tangible.

that's a huge "secret" to my magic and why I always get what I want without
seemingly having to sacrifice anything of any "real importance" i.e. family , health

that's why women are so powerful during our periods
most of us aren't having sex for 5-7 days out of the month every month......
that period (no puns) literally is one of the best times for us to manifest

how do I know this?

because I do and from lived experiences of my own and other wise women I know.
TMI, if you're a man and/or squeamish about bodily fluids

Ight so a personal example came when I was in the process of purchasing my now home.

My period came 3 days early literally as I was signing my closing papers.

I really really wanted that this condo, and had worked hard for months to find and get it. It's not a coincidence
that my period decided to show up early.

also I had not been having sex nor masturbating the whole home buying process as my husband had been in NOLA.

It felt like forever from start to finished the whole homebuying process too me 9 months (no coincidences there either)
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