I just want to be extremely clear that right now Nancy Pelosi the so-called leader of "The Resistance" is actively trying to gut a bipartisan amendment that specifically protects journalists & religious groups from abusive surveillance, so she can reauthorize FISA & Patriot Act
Here's what's happening: late last night @SpeakerPelosi attempted to ram through a reauthorization of #FISA and #PatriotAct surveillance authorities. But she had to cancel the vote at the last minute when it became clear she didn't have even close to enough votes to pass it.
She's trying to blame that on Trump tweeting about it, but the reality is that the vote was going to fail anyway because the entire Congressional Progressive Caucus (nearly 100 member of the House) came out against the bill after Pelosi let @RepAdamSchiff gut a privacy amendment
Now @SpeakerPelosi is trying to do an end-run around her own party and is going to attempt to sneak the reauthorization through by using an obscure congressional mechanism to reconcile a previous version of the bill the House passed with the version the Senate passed.
In the process protections in the bill could get even weaker than they already are. She's explicitly threatening to gut Lee/Leahy amendment the Senate passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. It specifically protects journalists & religious groups from abusive surveillance
And to top it all off, there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to be reauthorizing these surveillance authorities in the first place. and certainly not while an open authoritarian like Trump is in power. there is no evidence to suggest these mass government spying programs make us safer
Speaker Pelosi has a tremendous amount of power. She should be using it to protect the people the Trump administration is targeting, not hand the Trump administration more power to target them. Call your reps right the fuck now and tell them to oppose this http://SaveInternetPrivacy.org 
You can follow @evan_greer.
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