Let me say this again because I think this is a core problem of white evangelicalism. Jesus’ blood is not white-out; it must convict us in order to heal us. Until we see Jesus’ blood staining the street in Ferguson, Georgia, Minneapolis, etc, white Christianity cannot be saved.
I’m being biblical when I say that. Read Acts 2. They were “cut to the heart” by Peter’s words because he said this man *whom you crucified* is your king. The blood cleanses when we are undone by it, when we weep in sackcloth and ashes.
This nihilistic notion that no sin is any greater than any other because every slight trespass is infinitely offensive to the white cop God is a core part of the self-justification of white supremacy. Anselm was doing the best he could but we’ve created a monstrous atonement.
It’s not atonement if it leads to self-satisfied apathy instead of restorative justice. The consumeristic salvation industrial complex of white evangelicalism aided by nuclear family idolatry insulates us from the justice and mercy God commands.
John the Baptist said where are your fruits of repentance and Jesus did not cancel that out. He looked at the Bible teachers in anger because their hearts were hard; if your hearts are hardened by your Bible knowledge, you are engorged on the fruit the serpent has given you.
Knowledge of good and evil has always been the intellectual circumcision that the self-satisfied Bible teachers choose instead of the “weightier matters of the law” which are mercy and justice. He desires mercy not sacrifice. When will you hear his word to you?
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