its accounts like these and tweets like this that irritate me the most & show just how fucked up the world is towards poc. there are people like #GeorgeFloyd who have been losing their lives recently due to oppression, and the lowkey racism that these white privileged cops have
put upon them. like wtf is wrong with you? saying they’re “mad”? openly saying the n-word? as a matter of fact yes, they are mad. those who dont just ignore and are trying to stand up for those are are currently being wronged are furious. they’re the ones who are trying to help
those who are being wronged be able to have a voice, to be heard, to show the world what its like to live as a person of their color. how scary it actually is. and about bts? yes the boys are important, but someone just wrongfully lost their life recently. THERE ARE MORE
IMPORTANT MATTERS AT HAND. STOP OVERSHADOWING IT WITH #’s THAT SHOULDN’T EVEN BE TRENDING RIGHT NOW AFTER ALL THE NEWS GOING ON. like....i cant even wrap my head around this. there are people currently scared for their lived & are drowning in anxiety right now, and you care
about more about bts posting something? anyone who sees this thread, if you see acounts like these, please don’t hesitate to report/block, whatever etc.
and please, keep on trending the #’s that go along with the movement. spread awareness of the situation. #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter
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