1. Exec. Order on Twitter - consequences:
Twitter Inc. will not have section 230 immunity, anymore.

Twitter Inc. will be submerged by tens of thousands of lawsuits, for Billions of dollars.
This would bring Twitter to bankruptcy, very quickly.

please RETWEET
2. how will that happen?


Congressman Devin Nunes has sued Twitter Inc. for $600 Million.
Think 22,000 lawsuits like that.
3. Now think 2,000 lawsuits for $100 Million each.
and 2,000 lawsuits for $10 Million each.
4. That makes a total of $400 Billion, that Twitter Inc. will have to pay.
Plus all the legal fees.

Twitter Inc. has a market cap of $26 Billion (as of May 2020)
and revenues of $3.5 Billion/year.
5. since Twitter Inc. has revenues of $3.5 Billion,

how are they going to pay $400 Billion?

They haven't that kind of money.
Thus, they will go bankrupt.
6. and TWTR stock value will drop like a rock to almost ZERO - way before those Lawsuits will even be filed.

Bye Bye, Twitter Inc!

you thought you were God.
soon you will all be homeless in San Francisco
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