I am only going to talk about it once, because I usually talk about it all the time but right now I'm getting physically sick just looking at all the videos and photos of black people getting hurt and blamed because they are rioting. They don't deserve this. They deserve equality
I can't talk about the white privilege sadly because, ya girl has got none of that. But I can talk about the Asian hate that black people receive from my people and culture.

Asians are notorious for ripping off the culture of black people claiming that "we're all POC, it's fine"
It isn't though because Black and POC, I feel are completely different. The struggles of black people and POC are not the same.
If I see any of you asians dissing black people, abusing their culture, and none of you better fucking say the n-word. I will drop you like a potato.
I have no patience in my body to inform or to educate. the world should already be educating you in this and if I have to educate you, I will fucking beat you up. I have no patience anymore.
I'm tired of seeing black people dying because they are just trying to live their lives.
And if you don't belive me, I stopped talking to my fucking father because (of a lot of things) but because the last thing he told me was that black people wouldn't be in trouble if they just acted nice....as if there aren't hundred of stories of black people with their hands up
crying because they can't breathe, acting calm and civilized in their cars and still getting shot, still getting choked out, still being beaten.

What pisses me off the most is my dad came from the Bronx. I saw where he grew up. We lived there for a bit too between houses.
All of his old friends were black. All of them were struggling still. The stories they would tell were stories that would turn my gut and to hear my father say that to my face when I am old enough to realize his racism killed me and killed all and any trust I had in him.
So don't think for a fucking second that I wouldn't stop talking to you because you don't support black people. I will. I have no issues finding new friends and new family.

If you aren't about the equality of all, but most importantly the equality of black people, then I'm
not your friend and you are not mine.
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