America has a strange relationship with the word "revolution".

Our founding fathers violently overthrew a foreign occupier and ever since the term has been one of near reverence.

At that time... America was independent in terms of resource production. There was no reliance on anyone else... and it was arguably the most successful revolution in history.

Most other revolutions end in cataclysmic disaster... poverty... and destruction.
Flash forward to moder times... and our citizens call for violent revolution not realizing that on a community level... all they do is destroy the very infrastructure they rely on... to ultimately live in squalor.
Minneapolis cries out for justice... by destroying their food supply chains... burning small businesses and achieving emotional release through violence...

Except, businesses will leave because it is unsafe, food will be harder to find since the major retail outlets have burned
And the end result will be an impoverished city that might not recover for decades, upon decades...

I don't know what the right answer is... but I know what it isnt.

Violent revolution in modern times... on an individual community level... is inviting disaster.
I don't think these rioters realize... you need your medication? Your family needs their medication?

You burnt the wall greens.

You need baby food, and supplies... you destroyed the target... you need pretty much anything?

You destroyed it. Like a hangover... it will hit them
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