Hey non-black friends! If you see this, please reply what you are specifically + actively doing rn to combat racism. What are you donating to, what are you researching + reading, what are you working on internally for yourself? Accountability replies ONLY, NOT performativity.
I’ll start: I donated to the minnesota freedom fund. This is important, but it’s also important that I don’t just treat it like a personal band aid and think my work is all done just because I threw some dollars at a cause that was honestly p easy to find!
The fear of ‘inadvertantly’ doing something racist while trying to speak out against racism can be a paralyzing force for white people like me. I am confronting+recognizing that fear as a weapon of white supremacy, and accepting that I will always be capable of racism.
GIVE A GOOGLE to the term “implicit bias”. Go on a whole deep dive even if you think you know what those words mean– I actually fully typed out a tweet on this but then double checked some resources and I was totally talking about the concept incorrectly!!
Implicit bias is different from explicit bias because it’s NOT accessible by introspection! Implicit biases are subconscious assumptions we hold that are separate from our consciously held values. They shape our actions + interactions, and thus can only be confronted in practice
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