If you are a white person involved in dance music of any kind, you benefit every day from black culture and black struggle while the people who create that culture are murdered in the streets. It’s not a choice, you MUST recognize that privilege and react accordingly.
Since this is blowing up, here are some thoughts on how to react accordingly as a white person in dance music:

1. If you are in a decision-making position where you can redistribute power, money, and shine to black artists and other industry-folk, DO IT.
That means: If you are a promoter, book black artists, pay them well, and do not tokenize them. Just do it, don't make a big deal about it, just fucking do it.

If you run a record label, sign black artists, PAY THEM WELL, and do not tokenize them.
If you are a white DJ and you play music created by black artists, SHOUT THOSE ARTISTS OUT AS LOUD AS YOU CAN. None of this "no tracklist" bullshit: you didn't make the music, give the shine to the black artists who did. It's the least you can do.
If you have a big following, use it to highlight black artists and other black industry people. Use it to highlight racism and other issues black people face, ESPECIALLY in dance music. Dance music is not the safe haven white people think it is and racism is ABOUND. Call it out.
Finally, READ ABOUT RACISM and what you can do as a white person. Here's a fantastic place to start, and once you've read a few articles, I highly recommend moving on to "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander.

You can follow @JustPeteForABit.
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