Because @FlemishDog complained, I redrew this icon using the official Tetris Colors.
because yeah, if you didn't know, there's an official set of guidelines which all Tetris games must obey to be a Real Tetris. And one of them is the colors of the tetris pieces:
it's also fun to read over the guidelines and see how many different ways the most popular versions of tetris break them.

Like gameboy tetris is WRONG AT TETRIS for like 5 different reasons
similarly the Minesweeper Committee doesn't consider Windows Minesweeper a valid version of Minesweeper anymore, because it violates some of the Official Rules Of Minesweeper.
I'd link to the details on that, but
1. the minesweeper wiki is apparently down
2. they blocked the internet archive (?)
I seem to remember the main two reasons why official Minesweeper (by which I mean the pre-Windows 8 version, the later one is a remake that they don't recognize) isn't a valid minesweeper are:
1. the randomization
2. the timing
1a: you can't specify a seed which makes it difficult to maintain records and such
1b: the game cheats when you first click to keep you hitting a mine, which is fine, but it cheats WRONG
when you do the first click in minesweeper it checks to see if you hit a mine, and if you did, it moves the mine to the top-left corner.
the problem is that this messes with the probabilities of if a given spot is a mine: the top-left spot is more likely to be a mine than any other spot!
it also means the number of mines in a given puzzle CHANGES depending on if you click on one for your first click, because if there's already a mine there, it gets overwritten
so if you have a map with 20 mines and your first click is a blank space, you now solve a puzzle with 20 mines.
but if your map has 20 mines, one of them is in the top left corner, and your first click hits one of them? well, now there's 19 mines!
so yeah, the probabilities get screwed up because of the mine-moving thing.
The competitive minesweeper community therefore uses 3rd party minesweeper clones that have different strategies
I'd look up the algorithm they use BUT THE WIKI IS DOWN
and the other issue is that the timer in Minesweeper is completely broken, because it means every score is basically ±1 second
The correct way to do timing is to start measuring time from the instant the user first clicks, and then when they finish, stop it, and now you have a time you can display, rounded off to a second (or 10th of a second)
and that's fine and that's technically what minesweeper does... except minesweeper doesn't do it in milliseconds or hundredths of a second, it just does it using whole seconds.
which means if you start a game at 9:09:00.999, one millisecond later it says you've been playing for 1 second.

but if you instead started at 9:09:00.000, 999 milliseconds later it still says you've been playing for 0 seconds.
so yeah. one of the important things discussed by the world minesweeper congress in their discussion about why to move away from the official minesweeper program was that the timer can be inaccurate by almost an entire second
I wish I could check this shit but SOMEONE BROKE THE WIKI.
anyway @NoxicoDev points out I'm wrong about how it moves the mine: it doesn't put it in the top-left, it tries to, but keeps moving it along until it finds an empty spot. So the number of mines doesn't change
it still does alter the probabilities that the top-left spot has a mine in it, though.
Also the Minesweeper site lists three "official" versions of minesweeper, where official amusingly doesn't mean "microsoft", it means "matches the official rules".

Arbiter, Minesweeper X, and Viennasweeper.
apparently my ZiNi is [email protected], my 3BV/s is 0.72, and my ThrP is 0.522!

I wish I could look up what that means, but THE WIKI IS DOWN
also wow, it comes with a boss key, like it's 1987!
it also has IRC integration, which sounds like the kind of thing I should be mad and confused about, but really it just means it can copy some stats in a specific style, for easy pasting
it doesn't integrate with mIRC or anything, which would just be MAD
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