Dear Friends,

The last few weeks & months have been extremely difficult, particularly for the Black community. Our hearts & prayers go out to all who have suffered unimaginable losses at this time. Like us, many of you may be feeling pain, rage, helplessness or hopelessness. 1/5
The immense mental and emotional strain of the constant global onslaught of negative news and imagery on our psyche cannot be underplayed.

We are reaching out to let you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Your feelings are valid. They matter, you matter, OUR LIVES MATTER.

It is in moments like these that we must come together, to be strong collectively, to reassure each other & our younger generations that we have, we can & we will get through this.

There is strength in community, there is power in unity, and there is always, always hope.

Please take a moment for self care, to focus on your emotional & mental well-being.

Social media is a powerful means of connection & expression for us, but take a break: don’t watch the videos or any triggering content. Do things you love & that make you feel whole

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