This headline says a LOT about how we frame the actions of PoC. You think it’s just NOW that things “turn violent”? #GeorgeFloyd is already “one dead,” and that’s ignoring countless black/brown lives taken by police in only the last few years. But there’s more. #BlackLivesMatter
Cops have been killing PoC with few/no reprecussions for over a century, on top of centuries more of institutionalized violence. But since history is written by the winners, we grow up never hearing about the massacre of Black Wall St (Tulsa OK) or the MOVE bombings (Philly).
Wyt ppl: It’s not our fault we weren’t taught these things at a young age. But it IS our responsibility to learn as much as we can now that we know where to look. It IS our responsibility to listen when PoC talk about the pervasiveness of white supremacy.
It IS our responsibility to take that knowledge to dismantle white supremacy in all its forms, including our own inherent complicity in that system. And to do that most effectively, we need to listen to/follow the lead of black/brown folks calling for justice. #BlackLivesMatter
For those of y’all still trying to figure out what you’re supposed to do next in support of #BlackLivesMatter , this thread has a few quick things to start with:
You can follow @TheTaraStark.
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