Guys!!! So remember #Q talking about FF? Well I remember a few months ago seeing an advertisement in the paper for crisis actors! (We know who pays for those and why he does it... GS) this George Floyd murder has me wondering
..and it's just a theory....but..what
If....this is one of the FF... I remember Q saying something about race wars getting started before elections....there are now videos that have surfaced....of the media...and some disguised man...both doing shady things...then the people looting...and trashing the place..
Alot of them you could tell were professional protestors....paid for by George Soros...stay vigilant....put on the full armor of God....impeachment didn't work, covid didnt work, they're fighting and grasping at straws....there are no coincidences! #GameOver #WWG1WGA #GodWins🇺🇸❤
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