1. We have worse healthcare outcomes than Canada and we pay twice as much for healthcare coverage per capita as every other developed nation (and we don’t even cover everyone.) Here’s last year’s Yale study study that is the most recent https://www.wicoa.org/images/2020/SHIFTAppendix.pdf https://twitter.com/tkitchen99/status/1266003101338628097
2. But there are studies by others that go back at last five years that also confirm this. On average there are about 40-60,000 deaths annually due to lack of access to healthcare. There’s roughly 500,000 bankruptcies each year that are related to healthcare costs.
3. Those statistics don’t exist in the other developed nations. Those economic issues don’t even touch on how our current health insurance system is a burden on business and creates an entire industry that doesn’t produce anything and profits on shifting costs of treatment around
4. Small business struggle to expand after a certain point because they have to fire HR benefits teams just to deal with employee coverage (why? It’s a waste of company resources) and employees don’t have any real choice in how their healthcare is covered (because they’re subject
5. (To the companies insurance choices) This is also societal coercion as the military offers great coverage which is why they don’t want the average person to have, it eliminates another enlisting incentive. With a single payer system we should reduce national costs by anywhere
6. Between $300 billion and $500 billion annually. You would be able to go to any clinic or hospital because nothing is “out-of-network” and healthcare is free at the point of service. Healthcare is not a privilege, it’s necessary to keep communities healthy, functional, and
7. PRODUCTIVE. Currently if you’re sick without insurance you have no means to deal with it and it will take longer to get back to work/school/ etc. The book Who Shall Live by Victor Fuchs is a great read if you want to learn how the various forms of healthcare systems operate.
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