not to be that person but could you please report and block these accounts? they are toxic and spreading hate and even using hashtags. some of them have gone private but you can still report them i guess. they are mainly all solo m stans who hate g. i just don’t want this here.
also please report and block this account too. they are using the tags too and they also go under m and g’s tweets and reply with hate. mg know what drama goes around the fandom and i just don’t want this happening. just report them and let’s make this a safe place for everyone
this is just going out of line now. it’s just...these fans aren’t even waanjais. they are solo and toxic fans who are spreading hate. i mean i understand just stanning m or g (i don’t rrally?) but i don’t understand hating the other. because that’s just a disgusting move.
i’m sorry if this thread offends anyone in any way and i don’t mean to be rude at all. but just please report such tweets and just block their asses because this is getting out of line. they are using hashtags‚ replying to mg’s tweet and what not. hope you understand. thank you.
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