if you're an adult telling teens that they should "stop worrying about politics and enjoy being a kid" then fuck you. how can you tell us to enjoy being a kid when we grew up seeing police brutality and murder every where. how can we focus on school when every day we go to school
is a day where a school shooting could happen. how can you tell black kids to enjoy being a kid when their aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, parents, and friends are being murdered in broad daylight and the government turns a blind eye. how can you tell lgbtq+ youth to enjoy
being a kid when we fear for our safety from our own parents and friends. how can you expect today's youth to ignore what's going on in the world when it's all we ever see. if you truly want youth to enjoy being a kid, make the world a safe place for us to do so, because until
then? we will continue to say blm, we will continue to say acab, we will continue to call for better gun control, and you WILL not silence us simply because we are minors. you don't give a shit about us, and we're going to fucking change that, so fuck you, so so much
sign and share as many petitions, spread awareness, donate if you can, #BlackLivesMatter and ACAB!!
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