[Thread] We❤Fiona ( @fukujang0627 )

The girl who's never met Zack BUT she's strong & powerful. Fiona is the reason Zack communicates with his fans. Fiona is the reason fans comminute with him. Her passion on Zack's movie brought us come together.
Sharing : Fiona always shared the news and articles on her network both English and Chinese. She told people to create Vero account to keep updates newest info from Zack. She never keep it only for herself. She's always share it to everyone.
http://ForSnyderCut.com  : Fiona created website by her own money to show @warnerbros how much we want Zack's Cut, and How great Zack's DCEU films are #ReleaseTheSnyderCut
Real fighter : Phone campaign.Many bloggers blamed her and fans who made phone calls as toxic BUT this event had polite instructions. She and fans made WB realise we're real human who really want SnyderCut. We're not BOT. I adore her passion & her creativity. #ReleaseTheSnyderCut
@RTSnyderCut : Fiona is the great inspiration of the movement. She's big supporter of @RTSnyderCut the account who have did so many things to bring everyone together. Thank you very much to RTSnydercut for contributions🙏

WE WON : 🎉🎊🎇 Thank you EVERY brothers and sisters who fight together. Thank you Fiona for everything she did for the movement. I just want to give an honor to Fiona who is the BIGGEST inspiration to me and many people. She deserves a ton of credits.

#ReleaseTheSnyderCut 2021
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