Good morning. I just wanted to comment on the PUBLIC EXECUTION of #GeorgeFloyd. I’m just so tired of seeing the same old movie with a different scene: an unarmed black man losing his life because of deadly and unnecessary force by a white police officer.

A thread:
Did #DerekChauvin even think about letting up while Floyd gasped for air?

Nope. He relaxed his left hand in his pocket while driving his knee into the neck of Floyd.

Did the other officer arguing with the pleading witnesses care?

Nope. He seemed too busy trying to act tough.
And so what if Floyd was accused of forgery.

Did he deserve to die face down on the pavement with the knee of a cop suffocating him to death?


We have seen “other” people commit more heinous crimes and get apprehended with no problem even if they did “resist” arrest.
I’m not here to say all cops are bad people because I know some good ones.

However, there are way too many of these evil-minded officers out here who have continued this cycle of racially profiling POC.

And where does it stem from?
The most heinous crime ever: SLAVERY.

To some, blacks aren’t viewed as humans because of it.

Blacks were stockpile, cattle & property for nearly 300 years (and later as sharecroppers until the 1940s).

Therefore, the actions of dehumanizing POC have been passed down for YEARS.
I was pulled over, handcuffed & placed in the back of a squad car on one occasion.


The officer said he smelled weed from my whip.

Mind you, my windows were up, it was mid-Dec. in Dover, Del. and he pulled me over after switching over from the far right lane to the left.
Three more squad cars showed up as I watched them search through my car.

The result?

Absolutely NOTHING was found and I went about my night safely.

But the damage was done: I too was a victim of racial profiling by the police.
This thread is not meant to offend anyone but enlighten everyone.

Just know that RACISM IS REAL.

It is the source of hypocrisy that has plagued the U.S. since birth, and it is still showing its ugly face.

Too bad it was the last face #GeorgeLloyd saw.

#RIPGeorgeFloyd 🙏🏾
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