dude this is BEYOND me.
I am not black but even a blind person can see that America is ran by white people. And if you seriously think that the United States department of justice keep accurate statistics of THEIR mistakes then you are sorely mistaken.
Posting something like this instead of focusing on the struggles black people constantly face in their day to day lives is extremely insensitive and disrespectful to the current situation.
I’m not saying all lives don’t matter. They do. But to say that all lives matter to dismiss the fact that we should prioritize “black lives matter” bc they are actively being oppressed is insensitive as fuck.
And even if the statistics are true it does not change the fact that when black people kill cops they’re immediately prosecuted charged and arrested for it. But when cops kill innocent people they get paid leave?? Make that make sense.
I don’t give a shit about the statistics created by white people to make their own people seem like the victims. Because they really aren’t. And for this dude to say that white people experience the same oppression as minorities when he, himself is a person of color is BEYOND ME.
I’m standing up to POLICE BRUTALITY and SYSTEMIC RACISM in general. I’m standing up for INNOCENT black people getting killed by RACIST WHITE COPS whose one job is to protect people and not terrorize them.
How many white people die by getting there necks kneeled on in the street in broad day light by black cops??

how many white 12 year olds get shot by black cops for playing with a toy gun??

How many white men get shot multiple times @ close range for doing nothing but sell cds??
how many white men are shot or arrested for fitting the “description” of someone the police is looking for?

When will black parents stop needing to teach their children how to exist in a world that views their dark skin as a weapon whilst the actual monsters hold the guns?
Statistics don’t mean jack when the laws set in place are to make the lives of minorities difficult. Whether it’s in school, work or simply leaving their homes to go to the store.
i understand that not all cops are bad. But it is the actions of a few bad apples that ruin the reputation of all police officers. Just like how the actions of a few bad apples affect the way cops view all black people.
I never said ONLY black lives matter, every life matters. But DO NOT try and silence the black lives matter movement by using “all lives matter” when it’s pretty damn clear that all lives aren’t treated equally. Racism was put into place by colonists over hundreds of years ago.
Yes someone can be prejudice against a white person but white people are literally incapable of being victims of racism. YOU CANNOT OPPRESS THE OPPRESSORS!!
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