before i go, since we’re talking about police brutality and injustice, i wanna give you a quick guide to what’s happening in venezuela from a personal matter, since i don’t have anything but the information of what my family provides for me every day
long story short: there’s no water, food, income, gas, and oil. the govmnt set this stupid quarantine just to mask up the fact that they have no more gas therefore only a limited amount of people can use their cars. everything is dolarized, which is stupid since they don’t in any
way get payed in dollars. living in venezuela right now is more expensive than living in new york and people are starving, they have nothing. my family hasn’t had any water for about two weeks now, they can’t go outside because they’re scared. not because of the virus but
because there are cases of police officers killing people every day. they get killed for no reason and they use the excuse of “being out during quarantine”. they can’t leave either, people who didn’t have a visa or passport before 2014 basically can’t leave the country in any way
and people who didn’t upgraded theirs are getting cancelled, no one can leave and they’re closing all flights. if you ever get to leave, they will steal everything in your suitcase, that’s just how it works. there are military officers waiting for you to make any comment about ur
“trip” for them to take away your visa and papers, it’s a hellhole. you’re either extremely rich and unaware of what’s happening, or a victim. and this is just a short story of what’s truly happening there. i’m sorry i’m just taking it all here, but someone
very important to me and my family got shot today for doing us a favor. they had no water for two weeks and my sisters been having it really bad since she had surgery (which she waited four months to have) and they asked him to bring them water, that’s it. anyway i’m leaving now
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