I shared my SOBI story in my letter to @terrywhitehead (shouldn't have wasted my time), but I think it's an important one
In 2017 I was making the drive to and from the west mountain to Ottawa St. North every day, sometimes twice a day!! One glorious day I saw the blue bikes at Cannon and Ottawa and decided to go for a short ride between clients. I fell in love with riding immediately
I also fell OUT of love with driving! Traffic, assholes, carbon emission, commute time. Like WTF are even the benefits of driving? So I can just get to trading my labour for wages faster? Don't even get me started.
So I decided I would drive less and bike more. I quickly realized making that commute by bike was super dangerous, but learned the bus routes and started taking public transit, too!
About a year in I committed to be caring free in 5 years! Now, only 3 years later, I'm about to buy a cargo bike to replace my car (but I'll keep it for a buffer year). I think that's a pretty big deal. Imagine if we built a city where driving was a last resort instead of a first
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