Last night my sisters and mother came into my room and started looking through my sketch books and... Their reactions were not what I was expecting...
They all were amazed and in awe at my drawings that they started apologizing for not having an interest in them and not wanting to look, which was sweet.
Then I had to explain that TUGS and Thomas are two different shows, and yes they saw all my sexy Hercules drawings but they were actually impressed.
They started ask me questions like “how long does it take?” “Is this what you do all day everyday?” “Have you tried digital art?” And and when I would answer the questions they be in more awe and amazement!
The real touching part was when they apologized for not having an interest in what I do, especially my mom she said that she should be coming down more often to see them and hear the stories of how I made them, which made me cry a little...
Overall it was enjoyable to see the reactions when the first opened the sketch books and what they had to say, also me telling them how I got the idea was fun as well. So I wanna thank everyone for enjoying my art, it’s deeply appreciated!
What they thought of the request:
@NorthernEngine my siblings and my mom love big titty Big Mac and sexy Hercules so I wanna thank you for those request.
@SketchnW my mom laughed when she saw the comic I made with your original dialogue that you wrote, keep up the good work :)
@Bennyz20 I was able to tell my siblings and mother about our lord and saviour Trevon.
@Luigi555551 they love chair man.
@Thommunist_69 they love buff Stephanie.
@EastScotsman they really like the drawing that you requested.
@TheBigengine4 they love the request you had made!
And a special thanks to you all for encouraging me to keep drawing and giving me ideas when I can’t think of any so thank you all!!!!
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