If anyone's wondering why I'm not directly commenting on recent events, it's honestly just because I've seen all of this too many times.

A tragedy happens, we speak up, eyes are opened, and then they close again.

Something needs to break the cycle, and this is not it.
Racism has been a part of my daily life for almost my entire life as a black male, coming from South London especially, the stereotypes that precede all intentions behind my actions and behaviour extends into all aspects of my life.

This includes the FGC.
Call me jaded, but the fact that at the age of 22, I've already reached the point that I'm tired of trying to be active in the fight against the suffering and injustice against racism while others have the privilege to witness these things for the first time via social media...
#BlackLivesMatter is how I'll end this thread 👌🏾
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