"The top-20 universities globally are going to become even stronger. What it also means is that universities Nos. 20 to 50 are fine. But Nos. 50 to 1,000 go out of business or become a shadow of themselves."
"There’s this horrific awakening being delivered via Zoom of just how substandard and overpriced education is at every level. I can’t tell you the number of people who have asked me, 'Should my kid consider taking a gap year?'”
"The better universities are fine in short term because they just fill spots from waiting lists. The kid who’s going to BC will get into MIT. But if that snakes down supply chain & you start getting to universities that don’t have waiting lists, those are the ones that get hit."
"I'll have 170 kids in my brand-strategy class in the fall. We charge them $7,000 per student. That’s $1.2 million that we get for 12 nights of me in a classroom. $100,000 a night. The gross margins on that offering are somewhere between 92 and 96 points..."
"...There is no other product in the world that’s been able to sustain 90-plus points of margin for this long at this high of a price point. Ferrari can’t do it. Hermès can’t do it. Apple can't do it."
And then this, from @kevincarey1: "The higher education landscape is now in chaos. Last year, 419 colleges were still accepting applications for the freshman class after May 1 deadline. This year, the number is 754, suggesting an enormous drop in demand." https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/26/upshot/virus-colleges-risky-strategy.html
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