1/5 - Several years ago, I was told the way I texted was problematic because the person was unable to tell when I was serious, joking, sarcastic, facetious, etc. It was suggested that I use emojis. I did. It didn't work. She misunderstood me anyway.

Since then, I have used
2/5 - emojis, gifs, and various other things to try avoid that same mistake. I always thought I was just bad at communicating. Lately though, I have come to conclude that it isn't always my lack of ability to skillfully place signals. It's not the words that I'm using or even
3/5 - the lack of tone in text. Sometimes that's the case, sure. I'm still not a great communicator and I'm certainly not an eloquent one. Most of the time it seems to be the reader choosing to interpret what is said in a way that no reasonable person would. It seems that
4/5 at least some people intentionally twist things in a way to make what was said offensive. It seems that objectivity is not only lacking, but is even regarded as a problem or flaw. Am I off base here? Is objectivity considered a bad thing now? Do people intentionally
5/5 - twist things in this way?
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