Small statement thread:

I just want to say, the vast majority of police officers, like myself, aren’t racist nor do we seek to harm people. We took this job to be peacemakers and protect all lives. We have families we provide for and want to go home to every night..
My favorite shifts are always the ones with little reports and no crimes being reported: “all quiet on the Western front”. Most of us aren’t hoping for “action packed” shifts. It’s about assisting people and giving stickers and high fives to children..
I’m sorry there are officers in this world who should not be in law enforcement, and like anyone else, we need to be held accountable for our actions. Every human being, including #GeorgeFloyd, is made in the image and likeness of God. Everyone needs to be treated with dignity..
I’ve still treated with respect and offered water to men in my custody who have raped and molested their child. The worst of the worst are still loved by God, and no one can dictate their worth to Him..
I pray for Floyd’s soul, his family, and all who are grieving his death and the injustice that goes on in the world. Remember what God said:

“Revenge is mine, and I will repay them in due time” — Deut 32:35

The answer isn’t looting, vandalism, and battery..
I pray for peace on both sides, for understanding, and civil communication so that we as a society can grow and improve; see past the skin colors and stigmas, and the reality that we are all beloved children of God.

To state explicitly: George Floyd should be alive today. What happened to him was an injustice that needs correction. Like with anyone, we need to be patient for a thorough investigation and subsequent trial. Murderers belong in prison, no matter who they are..
I can see the reaction of rioting, looting, blocking interstates, and committing battery coming from a feeling of voicelessness and despair. We need to recognize that, while also condemning these actions as not the appropriate response. More people are getting hurt and killed..
I pray for God’s grace in this whole situation.
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