I am proud of how stan twt is united and shouting #BlackLivesMatter as one voice but I also want to mention that this is not the first murder. If you want to do something for real, future is in your hands. (1/5)
Twitter means nothing it only can raise the awareness and bring justice at only some point. Everyday women are being killed in my country and I know it is the same in other countries too. (2/5)
Everyday black people are discriminated (it does not have to be murder. They face so many other difficulties). What I’m trying to say is if we want to do something we should do more than writing tweets. And we can be respectful and do not tweet about kpop today (3/5)
but that does not mean there aren’t other homicides you have no idea about.Everyday it happens. Tomorrow it will happen too.We are, as the young generation and young adults are the ones to shape the future. I hope we will have the power and voice to change things for real.(4/5)
Do not forget that another black will be discriminated/bullied or even killed and another woman will be beaten by her husband and abused by a stranger and another lgbtq+ person will commit suicide tomorrow while we will be busy with posting kpop. Just do not forget that. (5/5)
I am afraid of being misunderstood so I just want to add that we are the future itself. So if we don’t forget these we can do something to end discrimination, racism and all sorts of hate crime when the time comes. At least, we can do our bests.
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