Trump uses a personal account rather than the @POTUS account.

There is no reason for Twitter to treat his personal tweets as presidential communications.

If he wants to tweet something as president, he can do so from the official @POTUS account.

If he chooses to tweet from an unofficial account, he is doing so as an individual and those tweets should be treated no different than anyone else’s.

Trump wants to have it both ways.

He wants to be able to tweet unofficially but with the special protections of an official.
Twitter could nip a healthy amount of his bullshit in the bud by merely policing a few of his egregious tweets and replacing them with a notice that says only tweets under official accounts are considered official communications.

Here’s the thing about narcissists: they don’t do well in sunlight.

Trump doesn’t have the guts to post his insanity under the POTUS account.

In his mind, his personal account is somehow just “him” while the POTUS account is the office’s.

Posting nutbaggery and crap under the office’s handle wouldn’t sit well with him because it inescapably juxtaposes his behavior against the office...

...and he cannot handle that.

It holds his conduct up for comparison to past presidents. It makes him look bad.

In his mind, his personal account is somehow exempt from that.

That’s how narcissists work. They build little facades and bubbles for themselves.

If Twitter wanted to solve its Trump issues, it need do no more than force him to either abide as a citizen or tweet as President.
Twitter could delete a couple tweets and add a notice:

“Personal communications are subject to Twitter’s common terms of service. The account holder has been notified the violating tweet must be tweeted from an official account for treatment under Public Official TOS.”

Force Trump to repost violating tweets under the POTUS account and a healthy amount of his bullshit would go away.

That’s just how narcissists work.

They’ll skirt every rule you allow them to. They’ll angrily relent when the only choice is heeding them or being embarrassed.
You can follow @TheRealHoarse.
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