I've been thinking a lot about what I tweet. I'm worried that if I tweet too much about racism it could affect my career in academia. Future departments could see me as problematic and a "trouble maker". But what trouble would I be making? A safer space for black colleagues?...
A safe where open discussions can help us be more empathetic, critically evaluate our hiring choices, evaluate our seminar speaker selections? Yes I want to do those things. So I'm going to continue to do what I can to amplify black voices until, well I guess forever,
Because I don't see this insidious racism endemic to the entire US ending, at least not soon. So I'm going to use my moderate platform to shed light on it. Risky for me, but Ahmaud Arbery was shot while running in his own neighborhood. Something I do everyday.
Clarification: I can't possibly convey the racial minority, much less black, experience so in the future I will be retweeting a lot more than tweeting to amplify voices This thread was more to just signal the change in content you'll see from me. Don't rt me, rt racial minorities
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