There's a lot in the news to be outraged about lately. Too much unnecessary tragedy. All involve entire demographics of people being abused.

We're in global crisis, we need to be better than this. We need to be helping each other, not harming each other.
It tears me up inside what happened to George Floyd, and it tears me up that the Canadian military found horrific abuse & neglect in Ontario long term care homes.

I haven't watched the video or read the report, for reasons I won't get into, but that hasn't dulled my outrage.
I'm not trying to make this about any one issue or stifle any other, I'm not being a pompous 'all lives matter' douche. I'm pissed about needless tragedy & lack of humanity.

I don't understand the world right now. I don't get why everybody can't just respect everybody else.
I guess what I'm trying to say is just take care of yourself and take care of others. The best time to do better is before the bad stuff happened and the second best time is now.

We can prevent all this from ever happening again, that's a lot of power to hold. Use it wisely.
This took me like an hour to find the right words in the chaos that is my brain right now. Consider this the abridged version. Pretty sure I'll get some flack for saying the wrong thing or whatever, cuz Twitter, but 🤷🏼‍♀️.

TL;DR - everything sucks, please be kind to one another.
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