[PETITION: Make HKers' voices heard in Europe!]
http://chng.it/hhDSLC5vn8  by @SunnyCheungky @nathanlawkc @joshuawongcf

HKers must make our voices heard in Europe. We must call for help to strike back against China's push on HK's freedom & autonomy. Say no to #NationalSecurityLaw.
[To European Leaders: Global Petition Against National Security Law for Hong Kong]

1/ The Beijing government, with utter disregard of the opposition from the international community and Hong Kong people, seeks to promulgate a controversial and detrimental National Security Bill.
2/ The Chinese Communist Party have been clamping down on human rights activists, lawyers, reporters, civilians as well as foreigners in the name of "National Security". Such is the aggravating human rights condition in China.
3/ Under "subversion of the state", China oppressed any investigation on the "Toufu-drag" construction works or poisonous milk-powder. Once the Bill had been written into the law, it would inevitably become a tool for oppression & censorship against those who seek the truth.
4/ The severity of the Bill is highlighted by the establishment of an enforcement agency. This will shake up the dynamics of HK in every possible aspect. The enforcement agency will render the HKGov a mere figurehead and replaces the HK Police Force as the major ruling authority.
5/ It's no surprise that there will be renditions to China for trial & detention. This irrevocably jeopardizes the promises to rule of law, human rights, and an independent judiciary as laid down in Joint Declaration. HK can no longer maintain its status as a global city.
6/ The EU, being China's most significant trading partner and having made the third most investments in Hong Kong, will surely be affected in terms of its investment interests and management conditions; other European countries that have a stake in HK will also be undermined.
7/ The vagueness in what counts as foreign intervention leaves room for an aggressive interpretation by Chinese Gov, who for the record utilizes these laws in threatening other countries. Foreigners in HK may be treated as hostages in accordance with China's diplomatic policies.
8/ The risks for foreign investors are self-explanatory. With the Bill closing in, liberty and autonomy enjoyed by Hong Kong shall, without doubt, face utter compromise. We urge the governments of the UK, members States of the EU, namely Germany, France, and Italy, etc.
9/ For non-EU states, such as Switzerland & UK, to stand with freedom and democracy and to stand with HK in pressuring Beijing to retrieve its Bill. It is of the essence for friends of HK to take the action in the incorporation of the Magnitsky Act into the municipal law.
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