The Iowa Legislature is scheduled to reconvene next Wednesday, June 3. I believe that's a mistake that will put legislators, staff, and the public at the Capitol at unnecessary risk for themselves, their families, and their communities.


In the last two weeks, since May 13, Polk County has had an additional 1,400 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 49 deaths.

It is a coronavirus hotbed.

More than 1/3 of all confirmed cases (36.4%) and deaths (43.4%) in Polk County have occurred in last two weeks.

The overall "positive" test rate showing COVID-19 in Polk County since the start of the public health emergency is 17.6% (3,847 positives out of 21,828 tests).

The "positive" rate since May 17 when daily county test data was made available is 14.2% (925 out of 6,516).

These test rates are far too high to allow large public gatherings like the Iowa legislative session.

Legislative leaders should extend the suspension of the Iowa legislative session for at least two more weeks for cases, deaths, and test rates in Polk County to go down.

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