if you ever witness an encounter between a police officer and someone that seems too be escalating START FILMING RIGHT AWAY. if the officer tells you too stop filming say "i do not give consent too your request as it is my right under the 1st amendment that i can film"
they could try arresting you but it will be invalid.
before doing this make sure too take note of the following
- amount of officers present
- all the officers badge numbes
- all of the officers names
if they try too arrest you do not resist cause that'll be used +
against you in court. make sure other people around are also filming, draw attention. remember too keep a distance from the officers but be close enough so that you can film everything clearly, MAKE IT OBVIOUS YOU ARE FILMING.
stay safe, i love u all #BlackLivesMatter
ahh i forgot too say! here are some more things you should take note of
- what precinct the officers are from
- if there were any weapons being used
- if there was any violence
this also will all have a HUGE impact on the outcome of the situation!
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