i went off before about how social media basically punishes you for not being productive or stuffing things below the surface but it almost feels worse now ever since the pandemic
its not just on here like advertisements are riding off ur insecurities more than ever and the class and and abled divides are more apparent too you got people g l o r i f y i ng covid as some time to finally buckle down and be productive but thats the problem!
we live in a society where if the means of production were to cease everything would fall apart, the fact that we are urged to keep moving during everything and the pressure to do it all is horrible to expect of people esp in low class when theres no time or cushion income
im running out of energy for this thread but hopefully to not come across as overly sensitive, it would be really nice to see people acknowledging their privalege and not expect the same of others while turning a blind eye to the severity of circumstances
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