Sex during menstruation is a sick act which should be discouraged. It poses a lot of dangers to both partners.

* The cervix which is the gate between the end of the vagina and your womb is usually tightly closed and covered by a thick layer of mucus plug.

During menstruation, it is slightly open to allow menstrual blood to escape from the womb. Hence infection from a penis can easily pass into your womb, ascending to your tubes and ovary. This is called PID. Hence, sex during menstruation should be avoided at all cost.
* The risk of transmission of HIV is higher for both partners during menstruation. I guess this one explains itself. A lot of open wounds are involved in menstruation. Blood is also involved. HIV is blood-borne.
*Sex during menstruation can be very painful. If a woman's first sex occurs during menstruation, she can be traumatized psychologically and develop a very twisted view about sex which might ruin her entire sexual life.

Dr Penking
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