I am disappointed and saddened (but not surprised) to see MANY of my white friends being fucking silent on everything that’s happening right now. Please remember the words of Desmond Tutu: IF YOU ARE NEUTRAL IN SITUATIONS OF INJUSTICE, YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE SIDE OF THE OPPRESSOR.
I’ve heard lots of ppl say “well I don’t feel like I can speak up because I’m uneducated.” OKAY? That’s a pathetic excuse. You are holding a tiny computer in your hands. You have access to google. You are literate. If you CARE, you will do your research.
It’s truly sad and an absolute marker of privilege to see my white friends existing in this world without acknowledging politics in the slightest. I also grew up in a white household that didn’t discuss politics. So in adulthood I have taken it upon myself to LEARN.
At this point in history it is lazy and selfish to be in your 20s, with friends of color, and not even make the slightest effort to learn about their struggles, the power structures in place that you benefit from, and how to fight it.
So I’m gonna be honest. If you’re sitting here in silence, you’re not an ally. If you’re defending cops, you’re not an ally. If you’re refusing to educate yourself, you’re not an ally. If you’re sitting on your ass waiting for someone to educate you, you’re not an ally.
If any of these tweets hurt your feelings or felt offensive, then sit there and do some self reflection. Why do you feel attacked by this thread? Is it because you know you have the power to do more and actively choose not to? Remember how much power you have with white skin.
You can follow @__kay1a.
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