I keep thinking about fear, specifically black fear vs. white fear, & if fear is even the right word. It strikes me that after centuries of oppression & constant fear for their lives black people elected Obama while when white people “feared” being left behind Trump was elected
When black people are afraid we come together, when white people are “afraid” there’s the sowing of division and the harm of people of colour. Those differences scream two things to me: power and privilege. Ubuntu has caused me to have tough conversations with myself and others.
Conversations on race, power, privilege and forgiveness. Conversations I think the U.S. avoids because of where the power lies. And I question if “fear” in the latter circumstance is the right word because at the end of the day we all know where the power lies & who is dying.
And if you read this thread and the thing that upset you was that I generalised about white people as a group, you’ve been avoiding these tough conversations, are not ready for them yet or both. I hope all the beautiful black souls we’ve lost rest in peace and rise in power. 4/4
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