A thread:

Non-monetary inputs are an important indicator of actual usage on a blockchain. #Litecoin's NMO% is 2% or lower. Many times 0%.

This chart below shows #LTC is 99% used for monetary trx's.

Others use it for sending weather, info, etc.
Know what you are investing in.
Over the past 24 hrs, there were 30,559 #Litecoin trx's worth $83,876,422. With a median trx value of $58.93 & median trx cost of $0.00081.

The last 24 hr non-monetary output % was 1%.

That means 99% of all #LTC trx's involve actual monetary trx's between wallets. Continued...
#Bitcoin has a NMO% of <2% over the past month as seen below.

This also shows that #BTC is sent for mainly monetary purposes. Just like #LTC.

#BSV consistently has a NMO% of 25-50% which means almost 1/2 of what is sent on the BSV blockchain is not worth anything. Continued...
#BitcoinSV uses trx's from #Twetch & weather apps to fill the blockchain with spam (621,767 trx's in 24 hrs). People pay > $185 per coin for almost half of it's blockchain to transport weather info & social media posts.

I'm pretty sure that wasn't Satoshi's Vision.

#BitcoinCash had decreased to only 8% NMO% as of the past few days, but over the course of it's existence the average is 20-50% non-monetary trx's as well.

#BCH's trx's also decreased over the past week, to <15k per 24 hrs...a 50% decrease in volume. Trimming fat.

But a large portion of #BCH trx's are historically the same as #BSV's. Spam instead of $$. That is why the median trx value up until a few days ago was consistently at less than $0.01. So people pay >$245 per coin for sub-penny trx's.

Also not Satoshi's vision.

#BSV is not a store of value, nor is hardly 1/2 it's blockchain used for peer to peer or any other type of monetary trx, yet it yields a cost of $185 per coin.

#BCH uses its own network of companies to move it's coin around & send NMO's. It's value is set at >$240.

#BTC is a SoV, used to move $$ & is attracting global governments & institutions. Its worth >$9,200.

#LTC is being used 99% for sending peer-to-peer trx's at a median value of over $50 & has SegWit, cheap trx costs & soon to be opt-in privacy. It's worth <$44.

After reading this thread, where do you believe the real value of what a #cryptocurrency is, actually is?

#BitcoinSV ($245)?
#BitcoinCash ($185)?
#Litecoin ($43)?

Being educated in a new paradigm is hard. But peoples' hard earned money is being invested. Be smart. DYOR.
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