Back for a sec to just say:

Police kill innocent humans. The protests are a ~valid result~ of brutal unchecked oppression.

If you want a peaceful and just society, demand police change. Otherwise you’re really just framing your inconvenience as the injustice.

I know multiple people who said property damage was “the real crime” back in 2014.

Scientists. Minnesotans. People who thought of themselves as die hard liberals.

This is inexcusable and I hope no one is saying that now, but I suspect the same people still are.
The real crime is centuries of dehumanization and murder of Black people by police and adjacent agencies and vigilantes.

Once everyone has human rights we can talk about “property damage”.

If you care more about “property damage” then you’re basically advocating for slavery.
I said it. Unfollow me.

If you think that people who are treated SO BADLY for SO LONG with no end in sight should have to care more about someone’s property than acting to show that changes are needed?

That’s what you say about enslaved people.

Maybe consider that look.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.
The protests are a legitimate response to long-standing white supremacist systems of governance.

Your problem with that should be the white supremacy.

Unfollow me if you have a problem. It’s not controversial to demand human rights.

#BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
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