Using their itemized FEC reports, I have dug into every single donation processed through WinRed, the GOP's answer to the ActBlue juggernaut
I have categorized al of the giving by donor size and recipient and plotted the daily totals in a comprehensive interactive dashboard - which means you can slide the timeline or choose what you want to see!/vizhome/WinRedDonations/AllFunding
So far, WinRed has been a huge boon for Trump and the RNC which have taken in the lion's share of donations while downballot races have relied more on medium and large donors
This breakdown gives a better look at all three: About three quarters of donors who had given <$100 in the cycle (small donors) went to Trump but as the size given in the cycle increased, more went downballot
The caveat is that I am adding this as each quarter goes for now, so small donors who give recurring will later get bumped up to medium. In this case, small donor is a good proxy for first-time or one-off donations
WinRed really took off with impeachment. It wasn't raising a lot daily before but right after Pelosi's announcement, it began processing about $1.5M a day and culminated in a huge end of quarter (you can zoom in on the impeachment timeline in the dashboard
While more candidates joining caused a boom, impeachment also drove donations downballot and diversified them to whichever chamber was in the spotlight at the time
WinRed now faces the same challenges fundraising in a pandemic as others. In March, they said their fundraising had not dropped which is true, but it is more reliant on recurring and large donations than it has been since the cornoavirus started and impeachment ended
There's still more charts in the articles with a quick blurb on each and a narrative flow better than this thread, so enjoy that and the dashboard!
You can follow @rudnicknoah.
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