Y’all I deleted a previous tweet from last night because I was making a generalized and passive statement about being a musician, but in the context of the conversation it did not accurately represent my views on social injustice. Thank you to everyone who pointed that out.
You guys know me and how I’ve struggled with speaking publicly about certain things for fear of backlash or my words getting misconstrued.

My point was that it is ridiculous to feel that way because having privilege and a platform should encourage us to speak out.
Learning that it’s okay to talk about heavy shit, whether it’s happening to you or someone else, is difficult for some people.

It’s messed up that being in the public eye somehow makes it harder, when that should be a motivating factor for artists.
Sorry if the way I previously worded that was confusing. Thanks again to everyone who pointed that out to me!

That’s all, friends 💛
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