For anybody wondering why WSSU20 wants that CARES money from the school...imagine being in the same predicament as the rest of the school from March-May. But also graduating into the “real world” where you’re expected to pay bills, search for your career in an oncoming recession,
Start an entirely different life, etc. all while not being eligible for a stimulus check that everyone else in those “real world” circumstances got. Now imagine seeing your school that you’ve given endless resources, advocacy, and service to start handing out money that they got
FOR everyone BUT YOU because you graduated all of 2 weeks ago. Anybody that has an issue with the graduating seniors being’re an idiot. You’re selfish. And in this’re a privileged individual unwilling to put on the shoes of someone who isn’t
Receiving the same opportunity as you. Y’all clearly think that by giving everyone aid, it will result in you getting less. Let go of the idea of self interest in the spirit of thinking of others. But I’m just a WSSU19 grad. What do i know?
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