Everything amazing about the 100 7x02, a thread upon second watch: #the100 #the100season7 #The100FinalSeason
1. I love the opening shot of Octavia’s had popping out of the water, some makes an anomaly/this situation feel like it’s real #the100
2. “We’re doing this together” I’ll take my unintentional Bellarke reminders where I can #the100season7
3. Octavia grunting with Diyoza as she pushes #the100season7
4. Aww Bellamy saving the day with his parenting tips, again will take my breadcrumbs #the100season7
6. “My mother, my responsibility” I love it and I hate it bc again Bellamy, but also it’s sad that again a young child took on that much to carry #the100season7
7. I love how “CB” is a clue but not for us, we didn’t have the info to figure it out but it had me going there for a second thinking it was Cadogan whatever his last name is #the100season7
8. The nighttime Skyring sky looks cool
9. Diyoza scratched off her tattoo?!?! #the100season7
10. Gabriel needing out is so cute #the100season7
11. Love the transition shot to the water where Octavia comes up for the second time
12. “The girl you stabbed and kicked over a cliff” BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love how Hope/the writers called out Echo exactly how everyone on twitter did after ep 1 😂 #the100season7
13. Gabriel having a crush on Becca is perfect #the100season7
14. Again, I love all the transitions to the fam #the100season7
15. I love literally any domestic scene this show gives me #the100season7
16. I love that Hope wants to help save Bellamy #the100season7
17. This has also been said everywhere but I love Octavia’s outfit in this scene #the100season7
18. Also love ponytail!Octavia in the suit #the100season7
19. Also this kid is doing a good job and actually looks like Shelby to me
20. Again BREADCRUMBS but still the fact that Octavia ships Bellarke and thinks of “Bellamy, Clarke and Maddi” as a unit #the100season7
21. Octavia breaking down about not being able to tell Bellamy made me cry, I just need them to reunite when they both have they’re memories #the100season7
22. Octavia loving both her families and is subconsciously purposefully delusional and not thinking the entire thing through about going back to Sanctum
23. Gabriel’s scar is still on the back of his neck #the100season7
24. “That’s me on dishes” lol #the100season7
25. Diyoza trying to talk Octavia out of the Bardo boys, again she’s so quick on her feet, but also it not working cause she just doesn’t know #the100season7
26. “There is no Hope” damnnn they’re good, had they pre thought that? Idk but I love it #the100season7
27. Octavia putting on her CoG clothes bc she knows this is her shot to get back to Bellamy #the100season7
28. Helmets for remembering, there’s definitely more to unpack about how the bridging works
29. Awww I feel so sad for Hope
Ok so overall opinion time, just a heads up this probably isn’t going to be as positive as last time. Overall I did like the episode. I loved all of the Octavia/Diyoza/kid Hope scenes. I liked getting to know more about Gabriel and Hope this ep and I liked them both #the100
I think the G/E/H part suffered from not enough actually happening for the amount of screen time they got and not having one of the core 5 with them. I think if you changed one of those things you install fix it all. I didn’t hate it I was just a lot more invested in the #the100
other storyline. The prisoner obviously either knows Hope in her future or had seen memories of her so even just find ing out who he is/how he knows Hope would have been good. They could’ve gone through the five years to be waiting for Bardo to get the prisoner #the100season7
Or even 2 secs of Bardo/Anders would’ve helped, it also kind of felt like it was meant to happen with 1. D/O at the end and 2. the memory iPad, the non Octavia storyline was just missing something to make you feel like it was worth spending so much time away from Sanctum #the100
But even now I’m getting impatient. What I was really excited for by the trailer was seeing Raven/Clarke/fam go into the anomaly as that’s the storyline and the characters that interest me the most and I knew it would take time to get there but it feels long even now #the100
I kind of want Sanctum solved ASAP and all our faves working on the anomaly/Bell/O/D
Echo (not hate) rant: so I know this is a slightly controversial statement in the Bellarke section of the fandom but I don’t hate Echo. And I think she and Becho were good...in s5. There were problems with her and thus the half of the episode she was meant to carry for us #the100
Part of it was we didn’t really get the emotional response to Hope we needed in their last scene together but also there were bits in the script not in Echo’s favour. Gabriel and Hope both had their jobs to do/info to provide to get off Skyring and Echo didn’t have that #the100
The bit that she should have thought of, setting up a lookout, was Hope’s idea. Also every convo between H/E, so pretty much all of Echo this ep, was centered around other characters who we care about more, which meant we just wondered where they were instead of focusing on Echo
Also, we had just had the vision of Roan in the last ep pushing Echo to be her own person and while yes she is of course looking for Bellamy so it’s hard it just felt like there was nothing developing that arc despite her being in half the ep #the100
Shipping thoughts: Octavia is the biggest Bellarke shipper next to Roan and between him foreshadowing a Becho breakup and her saying “Bellamy, Clarke and Madi” Bellarke better be endgame bc otherwise the baiting has gone up to a level unacceptable for the final season #the100
I feel like this thread made me seem more negative about the episode than I actually am...whoops
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