High-level trolls who are also homophobes will begin humiliating, insulting and DOXXING LGBTQIA+ folks, starting June 1st. This thread is meant to expose them and warn all LGBTQIA+ people against them.

1. Here is their plan, detailed in steps. I advise you take this information with a grain of salt, because 4chan trolls tend to leak fake plans to trick their targets into thinking the leaked plan is the true plan, while the real plan is safe. #LGBT #LGBTQ
2. Measures to protect yourself:
- stay off social media (most obvious one)
- go private (to avoid trolls' replies)
- install a VPN (to avoid being doxxed)
- install TOR (this is the safest browser on the planet, trolls will have a hard time doxxing you when you have this on)
3. It has been reported that the plan might've died down, due to the massive amounts of negative replies to the original thread on 4chan. However, you never know if we are safe! Again, 4chan trolls tend to trick their victims. Stay safe!
4. They will also, reportedly, focus on kpop stans. Here, i'm going to tag major kpop tags to notify the community of this operation. #kpop #ARMY #bts #bts2020 @BTS_ARMY @btsanalytics @orbitstruggle @BLACKPINKSTATS5 #SourCandyIsComing
5. Here, I'm gonna tag major LGBT hashtags to notify the community.
#lgbt #LGBTQuarenteners #LGBTQuarantine #WLW #MLM #nonbinary #gay #lesbian #bisexual @LGBTfdn @LGBTHM
6. End of thread (for now).
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