Ayok buruan new normal dah gapapa. Gua seneng liat orang" tolol pada mati konyol

Gua berharap sih ntar ada orang parlemen lagi rapat terus ada satu orang bersin, mampus dah tuh satu kabinet. Mumpung udah tua semua juga kan hihihi

Asli, ini Indonesia butuh tombol reset sumpah 😒
Fuck Indo goblognya paripurna

Makin kesel denger berita jumlah dokter yang ketularan, nambah. Shit

Paling males kalo gua udah dibikin kesel sama hal" yang nyatanya ada di luar kontrol gua. Ga bisa ngapa"in cok

Sekarang virus goblog nularnya lebih cepet dari covid itu sendiri
Misal ada yang ngomong ke gua "segala hal besar dimulai dari hal kecil cuy. Lu jangan pesimis kaya gitu.", gua ludahin muka lu anjir teoritis amat hidup. Liat kondisi sekarang aja dah. Ga sedikit orang" ngerasa sia sia ngurung diri 3 bulan ga ada kejelasan.

I'm done with Indo.
Good news I've heard that some of our people, have build their own resistance against the virus. Not sure how is that happening but I'm pretty sure either they suffered from the virus and recovered as well or it's just their immune system doing their jobs. There's still a hope fr
Fuck this fuck that PSBB diperpanjang udah bodo amat ora urus

This thread might seems shallow nvm. I just wanted to meet my closest relation after months of worthless quarantining but apparently govt regulation's getting even more jancuk over time

Man, pasrah. See ya on 2022 👋
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