TW: Black Death mention, misogynoir mention. (Just keeping us informed/saying her name cuz most people won’t/venting).
I been Black nearly a quarter century now, so the insidiousness of racism rarely surprises me anymore. But one thing that’ll always get me is the sheer volume of us they kill/how quickly they do it. In the time it takes us to say one name, to mourn one life, they take another.
Just a few hours ago, while we slept (or didn’t), police in Toronto, Canada murdered a Black woman. They threw her off the balcony of an apartment building. Her name was #RegisKorchinski
For those that laud Canada as some sort of racial utopia where white supremacy doesn’t exist, I always wonder:

Have you ever spoken to Black folks from Canada? They face the same kind of experiences with police brutality as U.S. Black folks and have been vocal about this.
Every summer gets hotter and hotter. Police brutality effects us year round, but there’s always something especially violent about the summers. Some say the heat makes people angrier. Some say it cuz folx have more time on their hands. But I know the real reason...
Summer is when Black people shine. When Black joy is onnits fullest display. And pigs don’t like that. They never do.
Not even sure what I’m doing cuz it’s not like it matters. My words, my anger, my thoughts on the subject don’t matter.

But Regis mattered.

So here we are. In an attempt to somehow give her safe passage. To say her name because so many will forget.
This is an attempt to move something, anything, in the universe.

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