The mandatory elements of Govt's Covid strategy are a direct & dystopian threat to liberty. Many see this & will will not report they are symptomatic for fear of this authoritarian imposition. Mandatory schemes will be self-defeating. /1
Any strategy must be voluntary in a free society. Pre-Lockdown, we were *asked* to self-isolate if symptomatic. Sensible as a way to slow the virus & widely complied with. /2
Now we have widescale testing capacity, anyone who is symptomatic can *ask* for a test. If they are clear, they are under no (voluntary) obligation to self-isolate. So there's an incentive to get tested. /3
If you are tested positive, you could be *asked* for contact info. There must be no mandatory enforcement of this. Safeguards around privacy must be provided. If we are in midst of pandemic, most ppl will happily co-operate, to protect their friends/family etc. /4
If you are contacted as potentially being someone who came into contact w/ an infected person, you should be able to *ask* for a test. Again, -ve test frees you from any (voluntary) obligation to self-isolate. /5
In short, voluntary compliance, easy availability to testing on request, backed w/ the idea that you are helping to protect yourself/friends/family will achieve much higher compliance. More to the point it is key to a free society. I will not sacrifice freedom to the virus. /end
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