I can’t understand why this story isn’t everywhere this morning. I don’t understand why this list wasn’t the front page photo of the @IrishTimes 💔💔💔 https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/the-human-cost-of-covid-19-new-figures-reveal-the-toll-on-ireland-s-care-homes-1.4264170?mode=amp
A tragedy. My heart goes out to all the families affected.
By my count this is 437 deaths in 25 locations.
26% of total Covid-19 deaths in Ireland to date in 25 locations.
Try reading that list out loud. See how far you get before your voice breaks with the sadness.
Here is one of the few mentions of it on twitter this morning. I‘ll put in more in this thread if I see them. Generally what I’m seeing is tumbleweed. I. Do. Not. Understand. https://twitter.com/MichealMartinTD/status/1265921296099160064?s=20
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