So yes I did actually lie awake thinking about every movie Transformer until about 3:30 this morning so I can tell you there are probably at best four waves left of Studio Series
Like me you might be more attached to some characters like Sideways because of that first wave hype but friends I'm sorry but even Onslaught in TLK had a spoken line and is thus actually more worthy of a figure
I'm still mad that a huge green truck that's a robot with a giant claw never got a toy but Berserker got like three and he's just a recycled design in One Shot
Anyway back to The Point: I reckon by the end every non generic robot on screen will have had a ST toy. If I had to wager the next wave I'd say Leadfoot, TLK Optimus painted right with AOE on the box and a leader The Fallen with a paint job similar to Grimlock.
I've made peace with the fact a large amount of on screen Transformers are not characters but set pieces (Grimlock) and many are total non-entities that only serve some ""plot"" purpose (Jolt) and I think Hasbro realise this and have left most of these til last.
Will they do more huge Dinobots?
Will they do Demolishor?
Will they do Skids and Mudflap?
Will they do any of the forgettable worthless constructs clogging up the ones with Mark Wahlberg in?
Probably. Thankfully I won't really care.
At the end of the day there's plenty that don't deserve the treatment and probably ought to be left just so we don't get a wave that's scraping the literal bottom of the barrel.
And then there's Dino who will never be done because of car rights.
But then there's total background weirdos like that cloverfield looking mf in DOTM and that's what I want!
I realised I love jeep bee because he's completely fresh, so I really wanna see more guys who have never had proper figures.
Flip have I just talked myself into wanting Shadow Raider and Thundercracker cos they're ones that haven't been done before...
Anyway all this is moot cos what i really want is those lads like Inferno and Big Daddy and Divebomb in actual movie looking bodies and that's not gonna happen is it.
Gizza Concept Series.
End Thread.
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