I get asked ‘Michelle, what’s the deal with the wolves??’ and it’s hard to explain without sounding bonkers but I’ll try. The earliest memory of my obsession was at around 6 years old and I was SO SURE I was born in the wrong body. I was waiting for my wolf family to find me
I hated being human. I remember breaking down in a carpet shop when I was about 8 because my wolf family hadnt found me yet. As I got older the wolf connection never left me, there’s something important there but I’ve never been able to really understand it.
Then about 2 years ago I found Wolf Watch UK, a rescue for captive wolves in the UK that wasn’t that far from where I lived. Rob took me and in the dead of night we went up to the hill and let out a howl.
All the wolves in the centre howled back. I had been calling out for Wolves my entire life and for the first time they answered. A pin in the map was starting to make sense.
I’m now a volunteer and have been on site many times since. The communal howling has never happened since
For me, the wolf is a lost connection to nature. We are animal and the strange modern life we have created is not only harming us, but the natural world around us. I’m still trying to understand why it’s wolf that I feel so connected to and I explore this in my art.
You can follow @WolfSkullJack.
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